When you go on the internet, where does the data go after you hit close? Your history can be deleted, but that doesn’t mean that what has been posted has been destroyed as well. Data will hang around on the webs for decades, and can be found by almost anyone with the right resources. There is Permanence in data, and one should always be aware of this, and take it into account whenever they go online. What someone does online, can affect their future in ways that they don’t realize. If all data is permanent, is there such a thing as privacy? What is the Streisand Effect? *When someone makes a big deal about trying to cover something up, it just draws more attention to the topic. *http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Streisand_effect What is the Wayback Machine? *This is a website that you can go on and see pictures of websites from way back when, and see what happened from the beginning of a websites life, and see how it has progressed. *http://archive.org/index.php What is the Facebook Deletion policy? *Whenever someone deletes something, like a post or picture, from Facebook, Facebook actually store it in an archive, for about two months. They say they do this because they FBI asked them to just in case there is some kind of vital information that could help them. Links: Think about it. *Do your parents know what you look up online, and would they approve? *Are there things about you on a social network site that could potentially cost you your job? How do you know that there are/are not? *Did you know that Facebook keeps all of your posts? Does this bother you? *After learning this information (whenever you first learned about it), did it change the way you think about what you do online? Or did you already have a feeling that they did this anyway? *The internet knows your deepest darkest secrets. Are you okay with that? Do you trust the internet?