====== Week 1: State of CS Education in High Schools ====== ===== Objectives ===== To provide an overview of computer science education in high schools. ===== Readings ===== - Indiana State Computer Science Standards - ACM Standards (K-12 Model Curriculum) - ISTE/NETS on [[http://www.iste.org/standards/computational-thinking.aspx|Computational Thinking]] - ISTE/NCATE [[http://www.iste.org/Libraries/NETS_Refresh_Toolkit/DRAFT_ISTE_Computer_Science_Standards_Aug_15_2010.sflb.ashx|Draft Computer Science Standards]] ===== Questions for Class Discussion ===== - What was computer science education like in your school? - Were there both AP and pre-AP courses? - What was taught in the pre-AP courses? - What was your programming environment like? What tools did you use? Did you only program in a laboratory, or did you also use your own computer? ===== Topics ===== * Current state of CS education in High Schools ===== Lab ====== * CS Unplugged activities * Register for professional development sites (e.g., CSTA)