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Blown to Bits

As a final exam, you will submit an essay on a topic of your choice related to one of the chapters in the book Blown to Bits: Your Life, Liberty, and Happiness After the Digital Explosion by Hal Abelson, Ken Ledeen, and Harry Lewis. This book is available online as a pdf for free at and the related website with additional material is at In particular, you may find their blog interesting and relevant to your work.

To help you navigate the book, the following table summarizes which lecture topics correspond to which chapters. You are of course free to select any chapter, regardless what was covered in class.

CS 190 Topic Blown to Bits

Specific instructions and guidelines:

  • Select one chapter (or several sections) in Blown to Bits. Please state which one(s) you selected in your essay.
  • Write a critical response containing “new” material. This should be a contribution based on your own experience and/or an angle/view not covered by the authors.
  • You should also draw upon the points discussed in lectures, on the team blogs, and in the course wiki pages.
  • The required length is 2 to 3 pages (500 to 750 words). Your document should be formatted nicely (e.g., double-spaced with reasonable margins).
  • This assignment must be your individual work; you may not collaborate with other students other than discussing the book or course issues in general.

Please submit your essay to the TA via email (, preferably as a PDF attachment (see below). You will receive a reply confirming the receipt of your document. The deadline is Friday March 12th at 5:00 PM. Late work will not be accepted; enjoy your Spring Break!

Creating PDFs

Note that one should be cautious about sending .doc files: besides not being free software, .doc files often contain hidden information (see here or here) one may not want the recipient to know.

There are many ways to create a PDF file:

Feel free to contact the TA if you have any questions regarding this process.

ci2010/blown_to_bits.1267713933.txt.gz · Last modified: 2010/03/04 09:45 (external edit)