====== External Links ====== //**Here is an incomplete list of websites mentioned during the workshop. Please let [[cs4edu@cs.purdue.edu|us]] know if we should add anything else.**// http://csprinciples.org/pilots.php \\ Links to home pages, moodles, blogs, etc. for pilot sites. http://www.cs.washington.edu/cse120/ and http://csprinciples.cs.washington.edu/blog/ \\ Larry Snyder's pilot site and blog. http://armorgames.com/play/6061/light-bot-20 \\ LightBot is a programming-style puzzle game. (This is one of many sites where you can it play online.) http://processing.org/ \\ Processing is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to create images, animations, and interactions. http://codingbat.com/ \\ CodingBat is a free site of live coding problems to build coding skill in Java and Python. http://csta.acm.org/includes/Other/CS_Standards.html \\ New CS Curriculum Standards (Draft for Public Comment) http://www.mentornet.net/ \\ MentorNet is the premiere and most experienced web-based e-mentoring program in the world. http://www.dotdiva.org/ \\ Dot Diva's mission is to create an exciting and positive image of computing for high school girls. http://projecteuler.net/ \\ Like CodingBat, a free site of programming puzzles with a mathematical theme. Language neutral.