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What is a closed platform?

A closed platform is an operating system/ development environment that is very strict in what programmers are allowed to do, usually in respects to SDK acces and functionality restrictions. An example of this would be the platform created by Apple for the iPhone/ iPad/ and iTouch. Essentially, Apple are the gate keepers in the fact that there are strict rules and limitations on what parts of the software development kit you can access and utilize, and they also control which applications get approved or denied for their app store. Speaking of which, Apple forces developers to use their official App Store, thus forcing developers to abide by their standards and rules if they want to develop applications for their platform.

Closed Platforms; Good or Bad?

Closed Platforms have a myriad of pros and cons attributed to them. By strictly controlling what developers can access and use, platforms can ensure that no malicious or rogue applications find their way into the app stores and thus on consumers devices. This can be especially beneficial when it comes to computing technology being used for vote counting purposes. Since many of the early voting machines were based off of the Windows Kernel, many of these machines are susceptible to trojans, viruses, malware, and spyware. Developing a closed ecosystem from the beginning to go with the voting machine hardware would allow a tight, locked down operating system that is much more secure than its Windows counterpart.

The downside to closed platforms is that they can stifle innovation and slow down the evolution and advancement of platforms. An example of this would be the iPhone. For the first part of the iPhones time on the market, many basic functionalities that could be created by third partys for the phone were absent, thus diminishing the product. Functionalities such as Video Recording, multi tasking, copy and paste, were absent and native applications by companies like Google (Gtalk, gmail etc) and Opera (Opera mobile) were refused from the App Store. As a result, the iPhone lacked many basic features other smart phones touted and thus its growth was stunted until Apple finally opened up their platform a little bit to developers.

ci2011/closed_platform_solutions.1299274009.txt.gz · Last modified: 2011/03/04 16:26 (external edit)