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====== Agenda of CS4EDU Workshop ====== The workshop activities were held in the Lawson Computer Science Building. ** [[|Campus map]] ** **Wednesday, June 8** * 7:00-8:30pm, Welcome Reception and Registration (Lawson Commons) **Thursday, June 9** * 08:00-09:00: Breakfast and Registration (Lawson Commons) * 09:00-09:15: Welcome and Introductions. Christoph Hoffmann, Purdue. (Lawson 1142) * 09:15-10:00: {{ws2011:snydercs4edu.pdf|Overview of the CS AP Principles Effort and UW's Principles Pilot.}} Larry Snyder, University of Washington. * 10:00-10:30: {{ws2011:simoncs4edu.pdf|UCSD's Principles Pilot.}} Beth Simon, UCSD. * 10:30-11:00: Break and move upstairs for remaining sessions (Lawson 3102 A/B) * 11:00-11:45: //Panel 1: Teaching CS in High Schools.// Moderator: Tim Korb, Purdue. * Noon-1:15: Lunch * 1:15-2:00: {{:ws2011:stephensonstatehs.pdf|The State of High School Computer Science Education.}} Chris Stephenson, CSTA. * 2:00-2:20: {{:ws2011:cuny10k.pdf|CS10K: Mobilizing the Computing Community.}} Jan Cuny, NSF. * 2:20-3:05: //Panel 2: CS Teaching Endorsements: Status, Challenges, and Opportunities.// Moderator: Jim Lehman, Purdue. {{:ws2011:stephensonteachercertification.pdf|Stephenson slides.}} * 3:05-3:30: Break * 3:30-4:15: //Panel 3: Preparing CS teachers/educators.// Moderator: Aman Yadav, Purdue. * 4:15-5:00: Break out into small groups (LWSN 3162, 3144D, 3102A/B) * 6:30pm: Workshop Dinner at Jane's Gourmet Deli. **Friday, June 10** * 08:00-08:45: Breakfast * 08:45-09:30: Reports from Thursday Breakout Groups. * {{ws2011:breakout-3102.pdf|Teaching CS AP Principles (LWSN 3102A/B)}} * {{ws2011:breakout-3144.pdf|Teaching CS/Teacher Education (LWSN 3144D)}} * {{ws2011:breakout-3162.pdf|Education Research (LWSN 3162)}} * 09:30-10:30: {{:ws2011:simonactivelearning.pdf|Active Learning Techniques to Support General Education and Computing Education.}} Beth Simon, UCSD. * 10:30-10:45: Break * 10:45-11:30: {{:ws2011:hutton_movingintohs.pdf|Moving the Principles Course into High Schools.}} Michelle Hutton. * 11:30-12:00: Future Directions, Post-Survey, and Wrap-Up. Christoph Hoffmann, Purdue. * 12:00-1:00: Lunch Back to workshop [[ws2011:start|main page]].
ยท Last modified: 2011/06/11 08:43 (external edit)
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