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CT Research Groups

Center for Computational Thinking (“to improve people's lives”)

Computational Thinking Across the Curriculum (“within liberal studies courses”)

Science Education in Computational Thinking, Purdue University

AP Computer Science

A New First AP Course in Computing (under development)

AP Computer Science A - Course Home Page

Wikipedia Article on AP CS

Details on the AP CS revision effort:

J. Cuny, Transforming High School Computing: A Compelling Need, A National Effort.

Computational Thinking will Require Transforming High School Computer Science

CS K-12 Outreach

cs4fn : The fun side of Computer Science

CS Unplugged: Teach Computer Science without a Computer!

Computer Science Education Week

Professional Organizations


Association for Computing Machinery
The world’s largest educational and scientific computing society.

ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE)
Forum for educators to discuss issues related to computing programs, curricula and courses, syllabi, laboratories, and other elements of teaching and pedagogy.

ACM K-12 CS Model Curriculum
Proposes a model curriculum that can be used to integrate computer science fluency and competency throughout primary and secondary schools. Joint effort with CSTA.


Computer Science Teachers Association
Supports and promotes the teaching of computer science and other computing disciplines, provideing numerous resources for educators.

Computer Science Teacher Certification Requirements
This white paper addresses a number of aspects of the crisis in high school computer science teacher certification.

Exploring Computer Science Curriculum
Provides lesson plans and resources which support the teaching of six instructional units.


International Society for Technology in Education
ISTE's mission is to improve learning and teaching by advancing the effective use of technology in PK-12 and higher education.

NCATE-ISTE CS Endorsement
A document describing the requirements for receiving national recognition for an initial endorsement program: Educational Computing and Technology Secondary Computer Science Education.

ISTE Journal for Computing Teachers
JCT publishes material on the teaching about computers, computing, and computer science applicable to K-12 educators or the professional development of such educators.

Computational Thinking for All
ISTE Computational Thinking resources for teachers.

related_sites.txt · Last modified: 2011/09/23 11:30 (external edit)